DISCO Cell Localization CNN Scripts = This repository contains the relevant files for generation and visualization of the convolutional neural network (CNN) presented in the forthcoming publication indicated at the bottom of this page. Scripts - * kfold_hyperopt_binary_localizer.py - Uses the hyperopt package to explore and optimize the hyperparameter space of the CNN. * optimized_binary_localizer.py - Trains the final network with the optimized (and manually selected) hyperparameters. Notebooks - * genetic_optimization_visualizer.ipynb - Shows the results of the 'kfold_hyperopt_binary_localizer.py' script for selection of the optimal network hyperparameters. * training_log_plotter.ipynb - Plots the training history of the optimized network. * output_visualizer.ipynb - Loads the final network and shows segmentation predictions on validation data as well as the necessary downstream processing for laser vector path generation. Data - * binary_data.p - The cell image data and annotations used as input to the network (training and validation). * genetic_trials_cv.p - Output from 'kfold_hyperopt_binary_localizer.py' showing the optimization trials. * binary_localizer_16_0.28892_1_54_7_12.log - The training log produced by 'optimized_binary_localizer.py' * binary_localizer_16_0.28892_1_54_7_12.hdf5 - The final network used for automated cell laser lysis. **Note** these scripts were tested on: * tensorflow==1.13.1 * hyperopt==0.2.3 * keras==2.2.4 * numpy==1.16.2 * opencv-python==3.3.0 * sklearn==0.20.1 Publication: = Lamanna, J.* , Scott, E.Y. * , Edwards, H.* , Chamberlain, M.D., Dryden, M.D.M., Peng, J., Mair, B., Lee, A., Sklavounos, A.A., Abbas, F., Moffat, J. & A.R. Wheeler. "Digital Microfluidic Isolation of Single Cells for - Omics". 2020. \* Co-first authors DOI: (TBD)