Digital microfluidics and microchannels/capillaries
Two paradigms have emerged for lab-on-a-chip: microchannels and digital microfluidics. The former technique relies on enclosed, interconnecting, micron-dimension channels; the latter facilitates transport of discrete droplets of fluid across the surface of an array of electrodes. We are developing hybrid methods that rely on the unique advantages of microchannels (or capillaries) and digital microfluidics for a wide range of bioanalytical applications. Papers describing these efforts are listed below.
Sathyanarayanan, G.; Haapala, M.; Dixon, C.; Wheeler, A.R.; Sikanen, T.M. "A Digital-to-Channel Microfluidic Interface via Inkjet Printing of Silver and UV Curing of Thiol–Enes" Adv. Mater. Tech. , 2020, 5, 2000451. Supporting info. Supporting video.
Liu, C.; Choi, K.; Kang, Y.; Kim, J.; Fobel, C.; Seale, B.; Campbell, J.L.; Covey, T.R.; Wheeler, A.R. "Direct Interface between Digital Microfluidics and High Performance Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry" Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 11967-11972. Supporting info.
Shih, C.C.; Yang, H.; Jebrail, M.J.; Fobel, R.; McIntosh, N.; Al-Dirbashi, O.Y.; Chakraborty, P.; Wheeler, A.R. "Dried Blood Spot Analysis by Digital Microfluidics Coupled to Nanoelectrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry" Analytical Chemistry 2012, 84, 3731-3738.
Watson, M.W.L.; Jebrail, M.J.; Wheeler, A.R. "Multilayer Hybrid Microfluidics: A Digital-to-Channel Interface for Sample Processing and Separations" Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 6680-6686.
Abdelgawad, M.; Watson, M.W.L.; Wheeler, A.R. "Hybrid Microfluidics: A Digital-to-Channel Interface for In-Line Sample Processing and Chemical Separations" Lab Chip 2009, 9, 1046-1051.