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Commit 0eab6f1c authored by Timothy Schmidt's avatar Timothy Schmidt
Browse files

fixed up license of hardware.scad

parent 90170b83
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include <settings.scad>;
// License: LGPL 2.1
rodsize = 6; //threaded/smooth rod diameter in mm
xaxis = 182.5; //width of base in mm
yaxis = 266.5; //length of base in mm
screwsize = 3; //bearing bore/screw diameter in mm
bearingsize = 10; //outer diameter of bearings in mm
bearingwidth = 4; //width of bearings in mm
rodpitch = rodsize / 6;
rodnutsize = 0.8 * rodsize;
rodnutdiameter = 1.9 * rodsize;
rodwashersize = 0.2 * rodsize;
rodwasherdiameter = 2 * rodsize;
screwpitch = screwsize / 6;
nutsize = 0.8 * screwsize;
nutdiameter = 1.9 * screwsize;
washersize = 0.2 * screwsize;
washerdiameter = 2 * screwsize;
partthick = 2 * rodsize;
vertexrodspace = 2 * rodsize;
c = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3];
rodendoffset = rodnutsize + rodwashersize * 2 + partthick / 2;
vertexoffset = vertexrodspace + rodendoffset;
renderrodthreads = false;
renderscrewthreads = false;
fn = 36;
module rod(length, threaded) if (threaded && renderrodthreads) {
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