Archived News
The latest Wheeler lab news is on our twitter feed. This page contains an archive of older news updates.
September, 2011
Our dried blood spot paper was one the top ten most-accessed articles in Lab on a Chip in September!
Prof. Wheeler appeared on the CBC Metro Morning radio show to discuss our work with dried blood spots.
August, 2011
Our work with dried blood spots using digital microfluidics has been featured in C&EN, IBBME in the News, and Futurity.
June, 2011
Prof. Wheeler receives the Analytical Chemistry Young Innovator Award, story featured in Analytical Chemistry and in the Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering newsletter.
April, 2011
Prof. Wheeler featured in - The International Journal of Life Science Methods
March, 2011
Prof. Wheeler featured in OICR Investment for Microfluidics announcement - Smart Well-Plate
December, 2010
Prof. Wheeler reflects on the work of Professor Richard Zare for the A.R. Gordon Distinguished Lecture Series - featured in the 2009 Distillations UofT Chemistry Alumni magazine
November, 2010
Alphonsus Ng featured in Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering newsletter
Prof. Wheeler mentioned by the Federal Minister in a speech at the 10th anniversary Canada Research Chairs Celebration.
September, 2010
Prof. Wheeler featured in 2010 Faculty of Arts and Science Year in Review magazine
August, 2010
Prof. Wheeler featured in the Varsity article Turning ideas into businesses: The Varsity looks at the work of the Innovations and Partnerships Office (p. 3)
July, 2010
Prof. Wheeler featured on Canadian Cancer Society website
June, 2010
Prof. Wheeler featured in Furman University Alumni Magazine
Prof. Wheeler featured in Nano: The Magazine for Small Science
Prof. Wheeler featured in The Health Technology Exchange
Wheeler lab profiled in Canadian Biotechnologist blog
May, 2010
Prof. Wheeler featured in The Bulletin article Ask a Laureate event
Prof. Wheeler featured on ABC Radio National The Science Show
April, 2010
Wheeler lab highlighted in Nature
Wheeler lab featured in Chemical Science
March, 2010
Prof. Wheeler quoted in a news article in Chemical & Engineering News regarding Dr. Richard N. Zare of Stanford University.
February, 2010
Prof. Wheeler featured in UToronto Medicine Bulletin
Prof. Wheeler featured in The article: Aaron Wheeler, Big ideas, Little chips
Mais Jebrail interviewed in AIP Biomicrofluidics - listen to the podcast
October, 2009
Wheeler lab estrogen assay featured in news stories around the world, for example in an article on and a television new clip from GlobalTV via youtube.
Prof. Wheeler featured in Canadian Cancer Society Research Connection E-Newsletter: "Researchers who Relay."
September, 2009
Prof. Wheeler quoted in a news article in Chemical Technology.
July, 2009
Prof. Wheeler interviewed by the Nature blog, the scepticalchymist.
April, 2009
Via Chemical & Engineering News, Prof. Wheeler is the recipient of the 2008-09 Eli Lilly and Company Young Investigator Award.
February, 2009
Via News@UofT, Prof. Wheeler is the recipient of a 2009 Sloan Fellowship.
January, 2009
Listen to this podcast from the ACS discussing the Wheeler group's new world-to-chip interface for digital microfluidics.
September, 2008
Masters-on-demand paper highlighted in NewScientist.
July, 2008
All-Terrain Droplet Actuation article highlighted in Analytical Chemistry.
May, 2008
In the latest statistics calculated by the RSC, Wheeler group papers are #1 and #2 on the list of most accessed articles in Lab on a Chip in April!
The Wheeler group awarded a research grant from the Canadian Cancer Society.
April, 2008
Prof. Wheeler quoted in a news article in Chemical Technology.
All-Terrain Droplet Actuation article highlighted in Chemical & Engineering News.
All-Terrain Droplet Actuation article highlighted in Nature.
All-Terrain Droplet Actuation article highlighted in Chemical Technology.
December, 2007
Watson's work highlighted in Chips & Tips (an online supplement to Lab on a Chip).
Fall, 2007
Wheeler awarded an Early Researcher Award from the Ontario provincial government and the 2008 Fred Beamish Award from the Canadian Society of Chemistry.
March, 2007
Qin and Wheeler's work with C. elegans worms highlighted in The Globe and Mail.
January, 2007
Prof. Wheeler quoted in Chemical Technology news article.
Qin and Wheeler's article on C. elegans maze learning highlighted in Chemical Biology news article.
October, 2006
Young's work highlighted in Chips & Tips (an online supplement to Lab on a Chip).
Freire and Wheeler's review highlighted in Chemical Biology news article.
August, 2006
Prof. Wheeler quoted in Bioscience Technology news article.
March, 2006
Prof. Wheeler quoted in Analytical Chemistry news article.
January, 2006
Prof. Wheeler profiled in Faculty of Engineering news story.
November, 2005
Prof. Wheeler quoted in News@UofT.